Responsible investment is completely integrated into our Firm’s investment practices and is part of our DNA since inception. More details on our responsible investment policy below
Resilience Partners is woman founded and developed, owned, and managed by a majority of women. The Company commits to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 5 related to “Gender equality” aiming to empower women in a sector historically dominated by men. We take diversity in a broad sense as a core value of our organisation.
The Fund seeks to fill an untapped market need for growing companies mainly headquartered in Spain.
Activities are carried out in compliance with the minimum safeguards ensuring the alignment with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including the principles and rights set out in the eight fundamental conventions identified in the Declaration of the International Labour Organisation on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the International Bill of Human Rights.
Resilience Partners is a signatory of the United Nations PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) and supports all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as we understand that they are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
We highlight the following sustainable principles that are strongly internally settled (among others) and are taken into account in any investment decision defined in its policy with 5 key ESG principles:

Resilience Partners integrates sustainability risks into the investment decisions, where they are identified and assessed. We believe that Sustainability Risks may have a meaningful impact on the performance of the Company’s strategy. Whilst it is recognised that investing in companies with Sustainability Risks may be potentially detrimental to the performance of the Company, the General Partner also sees an opportunity to enhance corporate value by increasing ESG awareness in Portfolio Companies and realising upside potentials.
Resilience Partners promotes environmental and/or social characteristics through their investments. Therefore, Resilience Partners Fund II has been constituted under article 8 of the Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation, tracking the environmental evolution and behaviour as well as the impact generated, as it has been doing since inception in line with its internal ESG policy.
Environmental and social characteristics
The 3 ESG factors (environmental, social, governance) are given equal weight and none of the 3 factors is favoured:
Environmental criteria are criteria such as those related to climate change (production processes that do not generate detrimental effects on climate, reduction in fossil energy consumption / production), sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, pollution prevention and control, protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Social criteria may be, in a non-exhaustive way, criteria related to labour conditions (labour management, relations, equal promotion, equal / fair salaries, health and safety at work) or to product liability, to products contradicting ESG criteria (weapons, drugs) or to the society to which a company / entity belongs (gender equality, social cohesion and integration, attention to socially disadvantaged communities, nutrition, health and education).
Governance criteria are criteria at the level of a company / entity (competence and availability of directors, presence on the board of independent directors, transparency, and reasonableness of compensation of directors, managers, decision makers, business ethics, transparent accounting, anti-competitive practices, tax transparency).
A specific index is not designated as a reference benchmark. The integration of ESG criteria is systematically embedded into the Company’s investment process, and, as part of the due diligence and research process. A positive ESG screening is normally performed on Portfolio Companies at the time of the Company’s investment. Such screening may be qualitative or also quantitative, in such case, usually based on an ESG scoring. ESG service providers may be used. An internal rating system for the ESG scoring to rate and evaluate progress of Portfolio Companies throughout time. Analysis of the ESG profile of an investment is also monitored on an ongoing basis during the life cycle of the investment and reported to Investors at least annually. This rating monitors the improvement relating to the 5 drivers mentioned above in the policy.
Resilience Partners’ internal policy requires that during the internal due diligence process, the deal team shall assess Companies information based in audited annual accounts (if available), internal management information, site visits, several meetings with key management & shareholders and we also pass companies through an exhaustive “know your customer “process etc. Additionally, for every investment, an external due diligence made by an independent and reputable third party is also required. Additionally, post investment, companies are requested to provide monthly financial information and to audit their accounts with reputable firms agreed in advanced.
Resilience’s ESG policy is updated regularly to enhance best practices and comply with new market requirements and regulations.
"Resilience Partners strongly commits to its responsible investment policy and internal practices demonstrated by being signatory of:

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